The Bald Man and The Flies

309 words
  Leopold Strong lived in an apartment in town on the second level, and as the day was unusually hot he’d left the windows open for some breeze. 

He made certain the windows were latched and sat down in his favorite chair with a book. It wasn’t long before he dozed off and eventually fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

In the meantime half a dozen flies had got into the apartment and wandered around a minute or two close to the ceiling. One fly paused, looked down, saw Leopold’s shiny bald head, and went to take a bite. 

    - Ouch! cried Leopold in pain. He looked up and saw the fly as it joined the others. You just wait, I’ll get you!

A second fly took aim and landed for a bite. Leopold slapped his head, hard, but the fly flew away easily. He was furious and outraged, yelling insult upon insult with his fist in the air as his face got redder and redder. 

    - I’ll get you! I’ll get you no matter what! You’re just garbage!

The fly paused in mid-air, turned and zoomed down on Leopold’s bald dome once again. ........