Improves memory and attention

​"Match Maker"

You will need;
1 - Two cards for each vegetable, one for the image, and one for the word.
2 - Two containers to put the cards.

One box holds the images of vegetables, folded in half, image inside. 
The other box has the names of vegetables, folded in half, word inside. 

If you have time have the group make the cards.

 (If there are twelve students in the class, have six images and six names per game.)

Half the students pick from the box with the images. The other half picks from the second box with the words. They must hide their images/words and walk around pretending to be extra polite, bowing to each other, "What a nice day," anything to distract attention from the cards (tell the group everyone is a potential detective or spy).

When you say "Now!" everyone holds up the images and words, and pairs up.

Start over. Maybe with new vegetables or fruits. This time around the group walks as if the ground were sticky. The third time around as if the ground were hot.....


(Please refer to the Sample Lesson for these exercises)

Grape, Greed, Grind, Grope, Grub - Drain, Dread, Drip, Drown, Drunk

Drain, Pain, Crane, Sane, Blame, Cane, Frame, Dane, Flame, Game

CONJUGATE: To eat, To drink, To grow, To hate


​The whole class

The students walk around the room slowly, looking for something on the ground. They are careful not touch each other, if they do both parties are out for a few minutes.

After a minute or so the educator gives instructions

"Stop. Look closely at a spot on the ground and grab a carrot top. Pull. It won't budge. Pull harder. Harder! Grab a shovel to dig it out. Shake off the dirt off the carrot and lift it high, as a trophy."

Make certain the movements are large and deliberate. The objective is to entertain the audience.

 How does it taste? 

Students must make a face to describe how it tastes to them. 
VARIATION: If one student makes a sour taste another must make a happy face.


Six students line up, facing the audience. You can have a real carrot, or the drawing of a carrot

The purpose is to keep the words and movements uninterrupted from one student to the next.

The first student in line passes the carrot to the student next to him/her. 

1– Do you like carrots?  
2– No, I don’t like carrots. ( 2 takes the carrot and turns to 3 ) Do you like carrots?
3– No, I don’t like carrots. ( 3 takes the carrot and turns to 4 ) Do you like carrots?
4– No, I don’t like carrots. ( 4 takes the carrot and turns to 5 ) Do you like carrots?
5– No, I don’t like carrots. ( 5 takes the carrot and turns to 6 ) Do you like carrots?

6– Yes, I do, I love carrots! 

6 gives the carrot back to 5, who must hold the imaginary carrot up and say a positive adjective: Carrots are beautiful! (good, wonderful) .... before passing it to 4...  

You can write a list of positive adjectives on the board

Tell them to pass another vegetable, faster like a movie fast-forward.

ESL: Change the pronouns Does "she" like carrots? No she doesn't, yes she does, she loves carrots.


Kate counted the countless carrot cakes carried by crazy Count Kerry.

Perry, Paul and Pete put the plastic plates in a perfect pile.


"My Parrot He Won't Eat His Parrots"
(To the tune of: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)

My parrot, he won’t eat his carrots, he doesn’t like carrots you see.
My parrot, he won’t eat his carrots, how silly my parrot can be.

My parrot, he truly hates carrots, he’d rather eat honey and bread.
My parrot, he won’t eat his carrots, he’d rather eat candy instead.

Separate the students into groups to sing the different stanzas. Have them face the audience, deadpan. 

Sing it overlapping.


"​ I Wish I Were a Pepperoni Pizza"
(To the tune: I Wish I Were an Oscar Meyer Wiener)

Oh, I wish I were a pepperoni pizza.  That is what I’d truly like to be.
For if I were a pepperoni pizza.  Everyone would be in love with me!

Sing it overlapping.

If you are planning to hold a small performance, you can have students dressed as a pizza acting like movie stars in front of the cameras.

Lesson Plan

There are 350 different species of parrots.

Parrots are among the most intelligent birds.

They are the only birds that can eat with their feet.

Some parrots can live over eighty years.

The heaviest parrot is the "kakapo" that can weigh as much as 9 pounds.

The buff-faced pygmy parrot is the smallest, which weighs about 0.4 ounces and is only 3 inches tall.

Parrots were favorite pets (along with cats) of the ancient Egyptians 5,000 years ago.

George Washington's wife had a parrot called "Polly" that did not like him. When they were in the same room, Polly and America's first president eyed each other with suspicion.

Andrew Jackson, seventh president of the United States, owned a parrot called "Pol" that was taught to curse in both Spanish and English.

Kakapo parrot
Pygmy parrot
Kakapo parrots
Pygmy parrot
George Washington