
The names of the buildings on the North Side of the map are placed in one box, 
while the buildings on the South Side go in another box. 

Actor A chooses a strip from either box.

Actor B, a tourist, chooses a strip from the opposite box. 

B asks A directions - from where they are according to A’s building - to the building on B’s strip of paper.

Actor A chooses a strip from either box.

Three tourists; B, C, and D, each choose a strip: Actor B chooses from the opposite box, Actor C from the same box as A, and Actor D from the opposite box. A must give directions from B’s building, to C’s building, to D’s building.

The tourists speak little English.

One of the tourists faints (where’s the hospital?). 

It was a con, while Actor A deals with the fainted tourist a second tourist steals A’s wallet.

Add a detective, who walks up just as the phony tourists turn to leave.